Most of my clients have built a great business and a great team, but recently they’ve noticed things have started to stall.
They just aren’t getting the results they need.
Much like Marshall Goldsmith’s best-selling book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, which argues that the skills that got you where you are now in your career aren’t the skills that will necessarily deliver results in your new role.
You must grow as a person in order to progress to the next level. The same is true in business, where your team must transform and step up their game to get results.
There are some common problems amongst companies, when some difficult decisions need to be made, and you have a few routes:
- Hire a highly qualified person either as a replacement or as additional resource
- Bring in external resources to up skill the current team
- Make the call to replace someone
With the first two options, the people you bring into the company will know what ‘good’ looks like and how to achieve it time and again, they come with a playbook and a map.
The journey is so much faster and simpler, and eliminates the need for the ramp up through on-the-job learning.
That is why you should never hire for today, but for tomorrow.
If you don’t you are going to continue to get frustrated with slowing growth, and not achieving the results your business deserves.
The dilemma most leaders face, is you are going to feel loyal to the team that has been by your side, but if you don’t change and adapt, you are going to end up getting frustrated with that team if they under deliver.
You need to act. You have worked too hard to get to this point.
As your business scales, the skills and experience of the team needs to scale as well, to keep ahead of requirements.
You can’t slip back – now is the time to push forward.
Start by considering the business growth you are planning over the next 12 -18 months and ask if your current team can get you there?
If yes – great push hard, reward them well.
If no – you need to change something, and you need to act now.
If it is a no or you are unsure, book a call with me, and here’s what you’ll receive:
- We can help identify and develop your current capability gaps, defining what you need next
- We can coach and train your team with our proven resources
- We can provide trusted resource that are experts and have the proven roadmap
Growing your team is not an easy process, and you will undoubtedly face growing pains. Hire big, and your team will be ready for anything that comes along.
We provide the resources to help your team grow as well as the ability to assess your abilities and develop your team’s skills. We can help you assess what you need and what you need to do to grow.