Here’s a graphic that’s been floating around for a while. Whenever I’ve seen it referenced in blogs or op-ed pieces it’s been a guaranteed trigger for a flood of comments, most blindly positive and affirming. There’s nothing wrong with that – it’s a pretty...
Customer facing roles are among the hardest in the game. Known as the front line, these are key positions, with the power to make or break your business – so it’s no wonder organisations invest big money to get the customer facing message and delivery spot on....
As we’ve covered the last couple of weeks, launching a new website can be a great learning process. But more than that, it’s an opportunity to launch new ideas and thinking. In my case, it’s meant the chance to put into practice an idea I’ve had in development for a...
A good friend paid me the ultimate compliment last week. Responding to my new website, they described it as “nice and simple”. Resisting an urge to go the full Jobs on him, and instead reaching for a higher power – I replied simplicity is the ultimate...
Call me cheap – but even as an Uber convert a 4.5X surge pricing warning will always send me to the arms of another… So when it happened to me last week my only problem was remembering how to get a cab. And I’m not joking… hazy memories of calling a company,...