They got the power

They got the power

Last week we took a look at the impact millennials are having in the workforce, where they are now dominant. This week I promised we’d look at their rise as customers. And more specifically, what this means for your business. Before that it’s worth a quick primer on...
We’re outnumbered

We’re outnumbered

Every generation has it – that moment you realise you’re no longer in the ascendant. Growing up you snipe at the heels of those who went before –  for me that meant annoying the hell out of my first corporate Baby Boomers and Gen X bosses, equally learning...
The rise and rise (and rise and rise) of mobile

The rise and rise (and rise and rise) of mobile

A common challenge for many businesses I’ve been a part of in the last decade has been negotiating the phenomenal rise of mobile. For better or worse, we are all now glued to our smartphones – a recent Gallup survey showed 72% of smartphone users check their phones at...

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