One of the joys of releasing this blog public is waiting for the reviews to come in. I’m lucky enough to get good engagement, and one of the things I enjoy most is the reaction a piece on a specific business generates, often from the employees. Reactions can range...
I’ve been rebuilding the Generator website over the last few weeks. It’s been great, the site itself is simple, but it’s given me some good insight. Enough in fact to deliver three blogs. This week, something we all should avoid – the saggy middle… or custom...
Timing is everything, right? Here I am, smack in the middle of an extended riff on sales, and the Herald considerately decides to go with my theme… imitation is after all, the sincerest form of flattery….. Here’s another insight on the same theme – this...
Last week we spoke about engaging stakeholders, and achieving buy-in from decision makers. While the advice around pressing for a decision remains true, it’s easy to overlook what may be the toughest part of the process – the actual presentation. Everyone has...
Here’s a short checklist of smart, foolproof ways to mitigate uncertainty at your next big business case presentation. 1, Do the hard work and prep all possible outcomes in advance. 2, Tick off all your stakeholders well before the presentation. 3, Walk through every...