Moving forward from “why”…

Moving forward from “why”…

So, let’s take a minute to recap… We started down this path by looking at how decency and integrity (amongst other characteristics) create an effective restructure. That led us to Simon Sinek and his Golden Circle, where good things in change emanate from a clear...
How can it be free?

How can it be free?

We’ve touched on Chris Anderson’s celebrated 2009 book “Free” a few times in previous posts. Not the easiest read (there’s a lot of technical detail that can be difficult to follow) the book is actually based on another, equally celebrated (and luckily for us, much...
Getting a yes is just the beginning

Getting a yes is just the beginning

Getting to a yes is just the beginning of the process not the end. I have seen this play out over and over in a business. There is a massive amount of effort by a large cross functional team to present a business case to the board.  They get a yes from the board and...
Five C’s

Five C’s

There are many ways to assess a new business opportunity, be it EBITDA ,NPV, ROI etc, with the majority of formal measures being based on financial metrics.  I learned an alternative approach as I was presenting a business case to the Vodafone Group CEO Vittorio Colao...

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