
B2B Service Business CEO’s Owners and Leaders

Revenue Growth Simplified: Unlock Your
B2B Service Business Growth

Partner with us and we’ll deliver unparalleled revenue acceleration.
How We Add New Business Revenue And Build an Outbound Machine

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Kursten was very thorough in his approach to helping us shape and define our value proposition and positioning. His processes and insights were exceptional and extracted exactly what we were finding very difficult to do by ourselves. The value he has provided is priceless and means we can move quickly forward with new business and client acquisition.

Chris Schultz

CEO, Acquire NZ

Your Path to B2B Sales Growth Starts Here

In the B2B service landscape, growth is an ever-present ambition, but it’s littered with obstacles. For many, the problem begins with information overload. The market is saturated with countless strategies, tools, and so-called “quick fixes” that promise the moon but underdeliver. This often results in wasted time, resources, and a dent in morale.

Additionally, the digital age has brought its own set of complexities. From deciphering the ever-evolving algorithms of social media platforms to the nuances of lead generation in an oversaturated digital space – it’s a lot to keep up with. Many businesses find themselves stuck in a cycle of trial and error, trying to find that elusive formula for success. Even worse, some face the paralyzing fear of making the wrong move, ending up stagnant and watching competitors surge ahead. This isn’t just about missing out on growth opportunities; it’s about the very survival of your business in a cutthroat environment.

Before working with us, here are some of the things that have been frustrating their growth efforts: 

Information Overload

A barrage of strategies and tools, leading to confusion and indecision.

Wasted Resources

Money and time invested into tools and tactics that don’t yield desired results.

Ever-changing Digital Landscape

Keeping up with the pace of digital advancements becomes daunting. The unpredictability of social media algorithms affecting visibility and reach.

Selling the

Hiring a sales person believing it will solve everything, 6 months later letting them go

The Trial and
Error Trap

Constantly testing strategies without clear guidance, burning both time and capital.


Watching competitors harness the latest strategies and surge ahead.


Paralysis by analysis, afraid to make a move and ending up stagnant.

Sales who don’t want to sell

Continuous setbacks leading to a decline in team motivation and confidence.

Missed Opportunities

Unable to harness emerging platforms or strategies, missing out on potential growth.


Not just about growth, but the looming fear of maintaining current business status in a competitive market.

Book A Free Call Today & Get

A 12-month Growth Plan Specifically For Your Business. Which includes our Offer Creation, Lead Generation and Sales Process.

A Free Video Training Module you can Implement straight away to increase close rates without spending a cent.

10 Secrets to B2B Sales Book. Kursten’s new book 10 Secrets to B2B Growth. 250 pages of battle hardened strategies.

Kursten has played a vital role in not only helping us understand how to attract the right customers, but secure long-term contracts that are meaningful for both parties.
Craig Steel

Principle, Steel Performance Solutions

Your B2B Growth Partner: Real Leads, Real Results

In the challenging world of B2B, finding the right customers can be a daunting task. But what if you didn’t have to do it alone? What if there was a partner who could seamlessly integrate with your team, bringing sales-ready meetings directly to your doorstep? That’s where we come in. We’re more than just a service; think of us as an extension of your team, laser-focused on one thing: getting you in front of potential clients who are ready to buy. No fluff, no endless strategies, just real results. By taking on the heavy lifting of lead generation and customer qualification and getting customers who are ready to buy, we free you up to do what you do best – close deals and grow your business. With our hands-on approach, you’ll never feel like you’re navigating the world of sales alone. We’re with you, every step of the way.

Kursten spent time carefully understanding our business and then made several insightful recommendations about the capability gaps that we would need to fill. He then ran a thorough and highly engaging process to identify the key person we needed to help deliver our strategy and, impressively, provided ongoing coaching to ensure that the new hire embedded quickly into the business and started to deliver value quickly. An impeccable process that exceeded all expectations.

Phill Dagger

Executive Director, Indevin Group

Five Steps to Guaranteed Revenue Growth

We offer a tried-and-tested program that we call the “5 Steps to Guaranteed Revenue Growth.” This isn’t just another cookie-cutter approach; it’s a tailored journey mapped out in five distinct stages, each meticulously crafted to ensure your B2B service business grows in both scale and efficiency. Not only that, we deliver these for you, we become your sales and marketing engine.


Think of this as your preparation phase. Here, we assess your business’s current standings, define clear objectives, and strategise for the game ahead. By understanding where you are, we ensure the foundation is set for where you want to go.

Match Fit

Now, we get your business in shape. We’ll fine-tune your offer, target the right audience, and make certain that your value proposition is irresistible. It’s about priming your business for optimal performance.

Game Time

This is where the real action begins. Armed with insights and strategies from the earlier stages, we build a database of your ideal customers execute our proven lead generation techniques. We use a combination, of technology, team and good old shoe leather. With us by your side, you’ll be entering conversations with prospects who are genuinely interested and ready to engage.

Post Game Analysis

After the initial hustle, we take a step back and review. What worked? What didn’t? This reflective stage is all about refining our approach, ensuring that we’re always improving and adapting based on real-world feedback.


This isn’t just a celebratory stage. It’s about sustainability. We ensure that the growth is not just a one-time spike but a continuous upward trajectory. Together, we’ll establish processes that keep you at the top of your game, ensuring a consistent flow of leads and revenue.

With the “5 Steps to Guaranteed Revenue Growth,” we promise not just leads, but a transformative journey for your business.

Digital Island have ambitious plans to accelerate revenue and customer growth. We have recently been investigating how to grow multiple new sales channels and concentrate in the areas that will provide the biggest return. Kursten and his team helped us to evolve our strategic thinking and identified gaps in our approach. By better understanding our business priorities we have implemented a number of initiatives that are propelling our growth. If you are looking for a partner to help you boost your business potential I would thoroughly recommend Kursten and Market Fit.
Leon Sheehan

GM , Digital Island

Who is this for?

You’re a B2B Services business with between $1m-$15m revenue.

  • You want an outbound machine that will deliver sustainable, predictable growth for years to come.
  • Your average deal size is >$5,000
  • You have a ‘productised’ service
  • You rely on top performers or senior members of the business to bring in most of the new business
  • You have satisfied customers

Who isn’t this for?

  • Companies without a productised offer or the ability to get one
  • Companies without a compelling offer, or documented ROI for your prospective customers.
  • Companies that don’t have satisfied customers

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

Little or no lead generation or deal flow

Sales hires promise the world but don’t deliver results

Existing Results are Spiky and Unpredictable The lack of a defined lead generation and sales process means going from feast to famine from one month to the next.

New Business is Reliant on Top Performers Your good new business months are reliant on a couple of your top performers, word of mouth and networking.

Unpredictable & Expensive Hires. You’ve spent good money on poor sales people in the past, and they’ve left after months with nothing to show for your time and money.

Account Managers Focused on Existing Customers Established account managers get stuck with managing existing clients and don’t have time, or don’t want to get their hands dirty prospecting.

Business Leaders Stuck in the Sales Process A lot of the sales ‘know how’ is still stuck with senior leaders within the business, making it hard to focus on new business among other responsibilities.

No Defined Sales Process There’s no predictable, scalable way of generating outbound revenue. You haven’t got the right training, or the right technology or the right processes to drive top line revenue growth month after month.

So why work with us?

Kursten has been an absolutely invaluable asset to the growth of my business in terms of his personal industry perspectives, the way he thinks, but also the way that he is a great sounding board to many of the business challenges we all have.

I admired Kursten back when we first met during his Vodafone days, both for his marketing prowess and creative thinking that helped propel that particular service provider to the top spot in New Zealand, but also on his ability to articulate, either up on stage in front of an auditorium or in a meeting room.

Kursten is a straight up, no bull, outcomes focused, high end, business consultant with an extremely good brain.

What I also especially like about Kursten is his team of alliances that he can marry up with me when their skills better match my immediate needs.  Kursten is very well connected and this illustrates that he is focused on the outcomes I need as his first priority.

I wholeheartedly recommend Kursten Shalfoon and he will continue to form a significant part of my business as we continue to scale and market to a larger audience base.

Scott Bain

Director, SaferCities Group

Predictable Revenue Growth: The Missing Piece in Your Business

Here’s What You Get:

Access to Proven Strategies
Benefit from our 5-step revenue growth system, honed and refined through years of experience.

Customised Approach
Our program is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that our strategies align seamlessly with your objectives.

Unparalleled Delivery and Support
From start to finish, we’re with you every step of the way, providing expert guidance and support.

  • Automated Lead Generation
  • Your outbound pipeline will double in as little as 8 weeks
  • Sales Process Design
  • A tried and tested sales process implemented specifically for you business. Proven to work for even the most complex B2B Sales Cycles
  • Digital Training
  • Fractional Sales and Marketing Leadership
  • Senior sales leadership on hand, supporting and enabling your sales team without the hefty salary.
  • Dynamic Sales & Marketing Assets
  • You’ll get a collection of high quality sales and marketing assets which will build trust with your brand on autopilot.

Before we discuss the investment, it’s crucial for us to understand your specific needs and goals. Our comprehensive done-for-you lead generation and sales partnership is tailored to each client, ensuring you get the best value.
Once we have a clear picture of your objectives, we’ll provide a detailed proposal that aligns with your budget and aspirations.

We understand that venturing into a new partnership can bring up concerns.

We get that you may have concerns, or may have been burned in the past with lead generation agencies, that just give you a list of customers, brand agencies that just want to create and ad, media agencies that don’t deliver or inbound marketing that promises a flood of leads ‘tomorrow’.  

Your concerns are valid, but with us we’ve got you covered.

“Is this another overhyped service?” Our track record speaks volumes; we’ve worked with renowned brands and have consistently delivered. We’re not just another name in the game, but a team driven by results. Not only that we guarantee results or give your money back.

“What if it doesn’t work for my business?” Our approach is tailored to fit the unique nuances of your B2B service business. We take the time to understand your landscape, ensuring strategies align with your objectives. We only working with a limited number of clients, and we have strict criteria on who we take on as a client, because we know who we can truly transform, and who we can’t.

“Do I have the bandwidth for this?” Consider us an extension of your team. We simplify the process, taking the heavy lifting off your shoulders. This isn’t about adding more to your plate, but rather enhancing what’s already there.

Two Guarantees

We know it works and we guarantee it.
Your trust and investment in our partnership are paramount to us and that is why we offer two Guarantees.

30 Days, No Questions Asked If it is evident for either of us in the first few weeks that it isn’t a good fit after all, we offer a no questions asked money back guarantee

Double Your Investment. We’re so confident that we can generate results, if we decide to work with you we’ll guarantee to double your investment in us over 12 months, or work for free until we do.

Have Everything You Need To Grow

  • Instant Pipeline Boost We’ll implement a world class outbound lead generation strategy capable of doubling your outbound lead generation. strategy in less than 8 weeks.
  • A steady flow of sales qualified leads
  • A Tried & Tested Sales Process A solid, proven, easy to implement sales process that will increase close rates & reduce sales cycles without existing staff having to put hours into training.
  • Digital Training Programme That allows new starters to ramp up quickly and effectively.
  • Peace of mind knowing that prospects aren’t falling through the cracks.
  • Ongoing Support & Development
  • The right Technology We’ll ensure your team has the right tools to succeed without breaking the bank. Get access to advice, support and discounted enterprise software.
  • Management Guides Digital training videos and SOPs for all the management team, so you can implement our processes long after the engagement ends.
  • Value for money. Knowing your existing team are working as efficiently as possible, and a leadership team that is enabled to deliver and support your team.

Your Shortcut to Success: Our Proven Done-for-You Solution

Don’t miss out on this done for you service crafted specifically for businesses like yours.

We’ve distilled years of experience, insights from working with some of NZ’s largest corporates and SME’s, and cutting-edge strategies into a comprehensive solution designed to skyrocket your growth.

Our done-for-you lead generation and sales partnership ensures you get sales-ready meetings, freeing you from the stress and uncertainty of going it alone. Remember, it’s not just about getting leads; it’s about securing quality partnerships that translate into real, sustainable growth. Let us be the extension of your team that propels your business forward. Grab this game-changing opportunity today!


What exactly does your service include?
Our service is a comprehensive lead generation and sales partnership where we function as an extension of your team. We handle everything from identifying potential clients to setting up sales-ready meetings, ensuring that you have a steady pipeline of opportunities to convert.
What kind of commitment do I need to make?
We’re looking for partners who are as committed to growth as we are. While we handle the heavy lifting of lead generation and setting up sales-ready meetings, your involvement in strategy and feedback sessions is crucial for aligning our efforts with your goals.
What do you need from the team?
Much of the service is done-for-you, however the first 4-6 weeks require time from your team to get ‘under the bonnet’ of existing processes and your customer offering. Once up and running there will be weekly meetings and on-going support. We also require you or your team to take the sales qualified leads and convert them into sales.
How quickly will I see results?
Results can vary depending on the specific challenges and goals of your business. However, our structured approach through stages like Pre-Season, Match Fit, Game Time, Post Game Analysis, and Champions is designed to drive measurable growth progressively. You will see a significant increase in pipeline in less than 8 weeks. Top line revenue growth will depend on sales cycle, but we aim to get clients profit within 6 months.
Do I need an existing Sales team?
Ideally, you’ll need between a sales reps be in the position to take sales meetings yourself. OR be in a position to hire within 3 months of the engagement beginning.
What happens when the engagement ends?
All the systems and processes remain in-house so you can continue to scale after our contract finishes.
How much of your time do we get?
As much as necessary. We have in-house recruiters, cold callers, marketers and dedicated inbox managers all guaranteed.
How do you differentiate from other lead generation agencies?
Unlike many other agencies, we’re not a jack of all trades. We specialise solely in B2B service business growth. With a background working with some of NZ’s biggest corporates and years as business owners, we bring a unique blend of experience, understanding the challenges businesses like yours face. We work with you on, your offer, lead generation, lead to sales qualified analysis and help with the sales process.
Can I get a customized solution for my business?
Absolutely! While we have a structured approach, we understand that every business has unique needs. Once we get to understand your business better, we tailor our strategies to best match your objectives and challenges.
Sounds expensive?
Using our solution there are several ways you can grow your sales. The route most businesses take to grow… Hire an internal team new Sales Manager, Salesperson, and Marketing Agency or Manager who attempts to put both together – all hires and mistakes take considerable time and money. The direct cost of (not to mention the time involved for recruitment, training and management):

  • Sales Manager: $180K + Commission
  • Salesperson: $75K + Commission
  • Marketing: $120-160k
  • $375k per year minimum + 50% of staff don’t work out.

This is unlikely to get the results you want efficiently because sales and marketing do not collaborate well. You hear all the promises, but none of them is guaranteed. You will incur direct expenses with no guarantee of profit and miss out on new business opportunities.

Everyone can say they deliver growth, why is Market Fit different?

Growing a SME business is no mean feat. Believe me, I know. When I first laid the groundwork for my business, the challenges were endless, and the setbacks, frequent. My hands are familiar with the grind, and I carry the scars from those early days of relentless hustle.

Flashback to years ago, I was immersed deep in the trenches of frontline marketing, advertising, and the emerging world of digital ads. My journey saw me working collaborating with some of New Zealand’s biggest corporates. I wasn’t just observing from the side-lines; I was in the heart of the action, shaping strategies and driving results.

Then, as I transitioned into building my own business, spending the past eight pivotal years as a business owner, the game changed but the core challenge remained: growth.

Just like you, I’ve grappled with the intricate obstacles that sprout up when trying to expand a business. So, believe me when I say, I get it.

But here’s the thing: ambition has been our compass. We’ve never desired to be just another face in the crowd of marketing or lead generation agencies, scrounging for clients and settling for any project that comes our way. We’ve always aimed for mastery over mediocrity. We want to be world famous only to our clients.

Yet, having spent time in various agencies, I’ve seen the pitfalls first-hand. I’ve witnessed agencies spread themselves thin, trying to be everything to everyone, and losing their core identity in the process. We vowed not to be that agency.

We’re seasoned, yes. But more importantly, we’re focused. Every experience, every scar, has equipped us to be the dedicated partner you need on this journey of growth.

Book a free 45 min consultation below. You’ll receive insights you can take away that day.
You’ll find out exactly what to expect if we decide that it’s a good fit. And we’ll give you a
video training module introducing the process that’s generated new sales.

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