
We’re taking a visual route this week, with a graphic that tells a powerful (and true) story.

Follow Up

When I first laid eyes on this I was reminded of this gem in Business Insider – 73.6% of all statistics are made up. It threw me for a bit… not surprisingly I eventually started to see the graphic could be a pretty good example of internet make-up.


But then a funny thing happened. The longer I thought about it, the less its veracity actually mattered. The reality is – the numbers may be slightly off… and yes, let’s face it, they may even be completely made up. But the underpinning logic is sound and I  bet every one of you reading this knows it. Even if you don’t always follow it.

The harsh reality? Sales are based on follow-ups and hard graft. And there’s no easy way around that.

In fact, I’m living proof of this. Consultants who wait around for things to fall into their laps tend to… do… a… lot….. of……. waiting. Those who follow up opportunities and always have a couple of calls to chase tend to have greater success.  There is a direct correlation here,  the more I follow up the more successful I am.

So tell me, who are you going to follow up today? In fact, a better idea…

Go on. Make the call.


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