Where’s the cash? Well done – if you’re back again this week your idea has passed the “customer problem” test! You’re half way there… So you have a customer problem and a likely solution. Now you need to see if it’s got commercial legs. Here are this week’s...
What’s the problem? In my line of work I see a lot of great new business ideas. It’s a real thrill being at the birth of something that may become truly great – though not all these ideas have what it takes. There are a couple of simple, powerful (occasionally...
It looks like the power companies are active in the market at the moment. I have just had a couple of interesting calls with them. Same industry, different company and very different approaches…. Deal One: How many times have you had this call? “Hello sir… have I...
I’m not sure what the opposite of the power of positive thinking is – but I think we’ve found it. Based on the powerful feedback you’ve given in the last three weeks; I’ve hit a nerve. You are cancelling Sky, seeking better mobile deals, chasing better treatment...
“Outrageous!”. “Shameful!!”. “How could anyone treat you like that…???!!!”. Just a few of the reactions to last week’s post. It struck a nerve – I got more feedback than from any previous post… none of it surprised Westpac was our heartbreaker. You probably...
Happy New Years, Welcome back. You’ll be happy to hear I have a New Year’s resolution. 2016 is my year to avoid temptation. More specifically, there’s no room for tempting but banal “10 Things You MUST Do To Get Your Business Digital-Ready” type efforts in my 2016...