The I in STOIC framework stands for intimacy.
The I in STOIC framework stands for intimacy. No. Not that kind of intimacy. The kind of intimacy where you know your customers well. Now, while you’re not desperate due to a recession, is the time to get to know your customer very well. Know their...

Ok O really stands for Opportunity
The O in STOIC stands for Opportunity. This is the third instalment on opportunities during a recession. Fast money is nice. Nearly every company looks for those products or services that put quick money to the bottom line. But! Be careful. Fast...

O if for Sliming Down
The O in STOIC framework stands for Opportunity. This is the second of several posts on the opportunities that exist in a recession. Here’s an important hint: slim down now! Lose the pet projects and the tangential offerings your company has put...

Are you?
The O in STOIC stands for Opportunity. This is the first of a few posts I want to share on 'Opportunity'. Even during recessions or depressions, new companies were started. HP, Hyatt, Microsoft, Mailchimp and Uber to name a few There are plenty of...

The talent war
If a recession is really approaching, if the governments of the world can’t stop it, what can you do? In “Winter is Coming - STOIC,” our framework's second tool is Talent. Finding great talent to hire is difficult right now. Business leaders need to focus...

Economic Winter
Economic winter is coming. It seems we’re headed into a recession of unknown length and depth. There’s even a great talk about stagflation - a recession coupled with high inflation. Using our STOIC framework, the first step you can take to protect your...
Handling the Coming Recession
Handling the Coming Recession A recession seems very likely. In fact, the IMF warns of the possibility of “stagflation” in the near future, where the global economy might stall while inflation keeps eating away at corporate and consumer funds. What can you...
Sales and Marketing Listicle
I am well aware that it has been a fair amount of time since I last wrote a listicle, but for the past couple of weeks I have been writing about how sales and marketing should work together (LINKS). As a recap research has shown when the two are efficiently aligned...
The $1 trillion sales and marketing problem
A side of friendly rivalry here and there, or some natural productive competition between two members of the same team, is healthy, right? But what happens, when that rivalry, that competition goes too far? We all understand that when it comes to the Marketing and...
Align. Combine. Harmonise. Get that 20% increase in sales.
I see this all to often You’ve had a fantastic product, offer and campaign. You’ve researched it, you’ve imagined every flaw, every onslaught of prejudice and contempt that might disrupt its progressive and brilliant profits that will inevitably be showered upon you...